Heather was born and raised in the beautifulnorthwest corner of the US in Idaho’s rugged northern panhandle. After high school, she moved to Utah topursue a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology. Sheand her husband then moved to Los Angeles wheretheir 4 beautiful children were born over the next 10years. As her children grew, Heather discovered shehad passion for photography and found an insatiableappetite for knowledge about all of the technical aspects of photography.
Shortly after moving to Texas, Heather expanded herlove of photography into a very successful wedding andportrait business that soon included a very busy focuson Real Estate Photography. Having thetechnical backgroundof true HDR photography as well as becoming a master dronepilot and producinghigh quality video productions formultiplerealtors; Heather realized that her true passion was pushing her further and
further into Real Estate.
She got her license in 2017,and ever since then has been one of the top 5 per-
forming agents in the brokerage. Heather’s primary focus is listing and marketing properties for sellers. Thatis where her talents excel beyond the scope of most
agents in the industry. Each property listed followsher 4-point marketing plan, including their own website with photography and marketing material that setsthe standard for the area. Each year her productionfar exceeds the last, based solely on referrals from herloyal clients.
Heather cares deeply for each and every client in every walk of life, and maintains close contactwith each of them far and beyond when the transactionis over. She says over and over, “My real estate clientsare truly like family to me!” And she means it. One lookat her reviews will reiterate that for anyone considering using Heather to represent them and fight for thehighest return on their investment, as well as the perfecthome for their family. Visit my page at www.PairOfSpades.com